January 31, 2009 — Xavier University Center Ballroom
The 2007 demonstrations in Jena, Louisiana, were "a civil rights protest literally conjured out of the ether of cyberspace, of a type that has never happened before in America" [Chicago Tribune]
Nearly a year and a half after these cyber-driven protests, this forum will explore the convergence of social media and social justice. Convening diverse panels of bloggers of color, faculty, students and activists, the forum will focus on the rise of the blogosphere in New Orleans and the unique ways that grassroots media can be utilized to enhance pedagogical practices as we seek to realize the Xavier mission of a more just and humane society.
How can we merge new technologies, pedagogy and grassroots media to realize the Xavier mission in unique and innovative ways? We address this and other topics through two exciting panels:
PANEL ONE: The Rise of Blogging and Grassroots Media as Tools for Social Justice in New Orleans and Beyond
PANEL TWO: Using Blogging and Grassroots Media as an Educational Tool to Realize the Xavier Mission: A Discussion of Best Practices and Student Reflections
Beyond Jena: A Forum on Bloggers of Color, Education and Social Justice in New Orleans was held Jan. 31, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the University Center Ballroom at Xavier University of Louisiana.
Questions? Contact CAT+FD.
Beyond Jena logo by Cline Bailey.