Grid Exercise


So, you've read all the texts and made notes about them? Perhaps you'll want to look at them again before going on. But if you really think you're ready, continue.

If you scroll down, you will find a series of columns. (You may need to make this window larger.) Each area between the columns is labeled with a sub-theme of the general theme, "Factors of Antagonism.". Click and drag the Roman numeral corresponding to a text to its proper area. You must choose the area with the most appropriate sub-theme for whichever text you are dragging. When have placed all XIII texts (yes, review those Roman numerals), try the "self-test" button to see how you've done. You may continue moving texts until you have them all correctly placed--don't forget to use your observations pad frequently, and even to re-read the texts, if need be (but you'll have to go back to the library for that)!

When you have correctly placed all the texts, you may click on "Epilogue" for one interpretation of the events of 133 B.C.