Three Trials at Sea: the Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

Book XII

Rouse, Pages 138-147

As if they haven't gone through enough already, Odysseus and his remaining men must undergo three final trials before Odysseus lands -- alone -- on Calypso's island. First they return to Circe's island, where they keep the promise they made to Elpenor. You may be surprised by the turn-around in Circe's attitude: the former transformer of men into swine is now giving Odysseus helpful advice! Before they leave the island for the second and final time, Circe takes our hero aside and tells him everything that will happen as the ship tries to sail toward Ithaca. Prepped by Circe's instructions and advice (which, you'll notice, echoes what Teiresias has previously said), Odysseus and his men bravely depart the island; one by one, those things that Circe and Teiresias have warned Odysseus to anticipate appear before him.

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