You're viewing an archive of CAT+FD projects from 1997-2018.

Another FaCTS Mellon Project

The Development and Implementation of Pharmacogenomics, a Translational Course

by Dr. KiTani P. Lemieux

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is the first course designed that incorporates both basic and clinical pharmacy faculty. This novel class is being implemented as a translational course, which incorporates the participation of both basic and clinical faculty to deliver the topics. In addition, each clinical faculty participant must earn 2 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) before serving as an instructor and to be able to use the resources provided by PharmGenEd™, a resource funded by the Centers for Disease Control and hosted at the University of California, San Diego. This is at no cost to participants. As competencies are being developed by the Special Interest Group (SIG) in PGx, I have the opportunity to participate in shaping the measures of the learning outcomes in this subject. Therefore, I will accomplish self-authorship in three ways: 1) as a certified "Train the Trainer" in PharmGenEd™ for course implementation; 2) my participation with the SIG in PGx to write the NAPLEX competencies; and 3) providing additional CEUs to clinical faculty in the COP and other clinicians as determined by the College.

Start date: Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Finish date: Thursday, May 3, 2012