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Current Forum: Discussion Question 1 Read 10 times 
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 6:08 pm
Author: Bordelon, Deborah E. <debordel@xula.edu>
Subject: Role of Teacher in On-line Instructinon
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Since the teacher is not physically present the material presented must be tailored for the students' level of understanding more than is done in classroom setting with face to face lecturing. In most cases there is a need for more extensive definitions.
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Current Thread Detail:
Role of Teacher in On-line Instructinon      Bordelon, Deborah E.      Wed Nov 28 2001 6:08 pm       
Re: Role of Teacher in On-line Inst...      Thomson, Stephanie      Wed Nov 28 2001 6:11 pm       
Re: Role of Teacher in On-line Inst...      Walker, Dr. Vera L.      Wed Nov 28 2001 6:11 pm       
Re: Role of Teacher in On-line I...      Thomson, Stephanie      Wed Nov 28 2001 6:13 pm       
Re: Role of Teacher in On-line I...      Bordelon, Deborah E.      Wed Nov 28 2001 6:13 pm       
Re: Role of Teacher in On-line Inst...      Barrett-Gaines, Kathryn      Wed Nov 28 2001 6:18 pm       
Re: Role of Teacher in On-line I...      Thomson, Stephanie      Wed Dec 5 2001 5:59 pm       

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