Archive for CAT_EMODERATE on Dec 5, 2001
Elizabeth Rhodes has entered. [ 03:05:12 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes has left. [ 03:05:17 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes has entered. [ 04:20:12 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Elizabeth Rhodes has left. [ 04:23:28 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes has entered. [ 04:24:38 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes has left. [ 04:31:08 PM ]
Deborah Bordelon has entered. [ 04:47:32 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes has entered. [ 04:50:28 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes > Hello E-moderators!
Deborah Bordelon > Hello everyone!
Elizabeth Rhodes > HI Debbie....I guess we should just wait for some others?
Deborah Bordelon > I think so.
Elizabeth Rhodes > I wish I had a glass of wine to sip!
Deborah Bordelon has entered. [ 04:53:18 PM ]
Deborah Bordelon has left. [ 04:53:56 PM ]
Deborah Bordelon has left. [ 04:53:56 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes > Debbie, are you still there?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Did you get bumped off?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Oh no, it appears we are having technical problems.
Elizabeth Rhodes > test
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines has entered. [ 04:58:29 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes > Hi kathyrn
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > hi!
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > so who's here?
Elizabeth Rhodes > We are witing for a few more folks
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > I'll wit
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Are we all faculty here?
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Cause I have a funny student story
Elizabeth Rhodes > Thanks for witing....I am not a good typist
Elizabeth Rhodes > Good, I can't wit to hear it!
Elizabeth Rhodes > :)
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > I got a call from a kid who explained that she hasn't been in class these past two weeks because she was stabbed in the chest. That was a first for me to hear that particular excuse.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Lordhave mercy! Was she telling the truth?
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > I guess so. She had a lot of details. It all sounded rather Jerry Springer to me.
Elizabeth Rhodes > To me too. I think I would have asked to see the wound?
Deborah Bordelon has entered. [ 05:02:10 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes > Deborah, we heard you coming into the room!
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > It made me wax philosopically on the fact that there have been very few times in my life, if at all, that I have been in a position to be in any danger of being stabbed in the chest. Or just stabbed at all.
Deborah Bordelon > Hello everyone, I'm back.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Welcome back. We are just talking about stabbing.
Elizabeth Rhodes > There was a big gong sound. Did you hear it, Kathryn?
Deborah Bordelon > Did any of the other students know about it?
Elizabeth Rhodes > What...the stabbing, deb?
Deborah Bordelon > Yes.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > a gong?
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > are we talking about an actual gong sound or a virtual gong sound?
Deborah Bordelon > Elizabeth, what gong are you talking about?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Kathryn has to answer that one. .....Yes, KG, I heard a gong sound when DB entered the room. an actual sound
Deborah Bordelon > I haven't heard any sounds.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > no, I didn't hear anything, but I have my sound muted on my computer, I'll unmute and maybe I'll hear it when the next student enters.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Hold on...I am going to exit and try to come into the room again. You should hear me enter. Ok?
Elizabeth Rhodes has left. [ 05:06:36 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes has entered. [ 05:06:57 PM ]
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > no sound
Elizabeth Rhodes > I'm back.
Deborah Bordelon > no sound here
Joseph Olubadewo has entered. [ 05:07:20 PM ]
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Hi Joseph
Elizabeth Rhodes > Ok, sorry! But I jsut heard Dr. O enter the room.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Hi Dr. O!
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > wow, you have sound effects!
Deborah Bordelon > I just turned up the volume. Hello Dr. O
Elizabeth Rhodes > Joe, we are waiting a minute or so for some others to join us.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Kathryn, Joe, Deb, did you know that the Center has an rfp, that will support faculty experimenting with these tools?
Deborah Bordelon > When is it due?
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > jan 31st
Elizabeth Rhodes > I will share the url. January I think!
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Joseph Olubadewo browsed to
Joseph Olubadewo browsed to
Joseph Olubadewo browsed to
Joseph Olubadewo browsed to
Joseph Olubadewo browsed to
Elizabeth Rhodes > I will send it in email. There is a problem launching the url.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Did you all see anything in the window?
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > yes, I saw the CAT website
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Deborah Bordelon > I did see the sight briefly. It is now up on my screen.
Elizabeth Rhodes > ARe there two headings, KG?
Deborah Bordelon > Pardon my speliing.
Joseph Olubadewo browsed to
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > two headings?
Deborah Bordelon > The site is now gone.
Joseph Olubadewo > Testing, testing, testing
Deborah Bordelon > You are in Dr. O
Elizabeth Rhodes > Yep, I see the url, but it is distorted. It has two identital graphics
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Deborah Bordelon > Yes, I see two graphics too.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Dr. O, can you see our text?
Elizabeth Rhodes > ooops, identical.
Joseph Olubadewo > Yes, Dr. O can see ya'll's text.
Deborah Bordelon > Hooray!!
Elizabeth Rhodes > Yeah!
Elizabeth Rhodes > Did any of you post anything new to the discussion board?
Joseph Olubadewo > Yeah, this is fun. Now what is the discussion topic for today? i thought we should be discussing the goal of online vs face-to-face lecture?
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Yes, what is our discussion today?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Well, we want to get everyone comfortable using the tool first>
Deborah Bordelon > The focus of the discussion today is on uses of the virtual classroom. How do you see yourself using this in your own classes? Do you see it as a supplement to face-to-face lecture?
Joseph Olubadewo > Definitely, it will facilitate expansion of what is covered in the regular classroom. I would be glad to use as a tutorial facility for my students.
Elizabeth Rhodes > I don't think there any folks who think that this in anyway can substitute for a f2f lecture, but.....
Elizabeth Rhodes > It surely engages the students
Elizabeth Rhodes > It can be used when you can't be f2f and to extend the discussion beyong class time?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Kathryn, do you see other uses...virtual office hours maybe?
Joseph Olubadewo > We have been fighting for extra hours for our pharmacology course without success; hence this tool will allow giving tutorial to our students. The question comes to mind though, about how well the students will avail themselves of its versatility. What is your experience? I mean do you have o coarse students or do they freely use it?
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > I think this is a good way for students to discuss things together, under the structure of the class community.
Deborah Bordelon > The tutorial aspect is very important. It allows the students to use the material outside of the classroom setting and possibly even from home.
Stephanie Thomson has entered. [ 05:26:53 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes > Well, my profs in grad school use it in various ways...
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > For example, a student today brought something to class that he wanted to read to the class. This kind of environment would be really appropriate for that kind of thing.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Hi STep!
Stephanie Thomson > hello
Deborah Bordelon > Hi Stephanie!
Stephanie Thomson > hello
Joseph Olubadewo > In my course, I have been trying to encourage students to study in groups. This is a definite plus in that direction.
Elizabeth Rhodes > KGB, Step came in with a gong sound too. I am on a Mac, maybe it is a Mac thing.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > yes, mac has all that funky stuff
Deborah Bordelon > I have my students share information ( websites, documents) through this medium. I also use the quiz feature, which could be used in a tutorial.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Joseph, maybe you could send them here to study and discuss and you just listen to teh discussion and only interfere when you witness content misconceptions.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > This is a great way to foster the sense of intellectual community, in the tradition of the salon.
Joseph Olubadewo > How does that work? Don't students get to spy each others' answers?
Elizabeth Rhodes > SOme say it is just another place for students to hang out, like the library, student center, etc.
Joseph Olubadewo > No, my question is for Debbie and the use of thischatroom for quiz feature.
Stephanie Thomson > Now that I've caught up a little, I would argue that hanging out is one option for students, but that hanging out could be the beginning of many of useful educational events
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Stephanie Thomson > I am also curious about the quizzes, Debbie
Elizabeth Rhodes browsed to
Joseph Olubadewo > That is correct.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Debbie, are you still there?
Deborah Bordelon > I have to leave. I have a class at 4:30. The quiz feature is separate from the chat room. It is available on Blackboard through the Assessments. You could use chat room for discussion and use the quiz to assess their undersatnding. It could graded or ungraded.
Elizabeth Rhodes > She may have had to leave her desk.
Stephanie Thomson > I am excited to tell you all that I will hold a virtual review session for my SPCM 1010 Section 7.
Stephanie Thomson > Today they voted to hold the virtual review on Monday from 3-5
Deborah Bordelon > That sounds great!
Stephanie Thomson > It was interesting that some of the students wanted to know if I would be in my class during the 3-5 time period.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > now that' s a GREAT use of this technology: review sessions. Review sessions are a lousy way to spend class time, but perfect for this.
Joseph Olubadewo > I would also have to go. When can we do this again?
Stephanie Thomson > Some have offered to stop by
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Much more relaxed, and more optional.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Stephanie, do you know about the Mellon faculty tech projects ( if I can squeeze in a plug for CAT)
Stephanie Thomson > Yes, this is a great way to share ideas, perhaps during office hours
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Online office hours. That's great too.
Stephanie Thomson > Elizabeth, I don't think that I know enough
Stephanie Thomson > Where could I find out more when I have some time over Christmas?
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > I think I am going to do one of those CAT grants to implement Blackboard in my World History survey course next semester. It will be interesting to assess its effectiveness.
Elizabeth Rhodes > I will send an email to all about it. Maybe we can resurrect this group next semester!
Deborah Bordelon > I have used it for office hours, though I haven't had many students take advantage of it.
Stephanie Thomson > That would be wonderful!
Elizabeth Rhodes > Before anyone leaves, can I remind you all of something?
Joseph Olubadewo > Okay. Can't wait. Have a great holiday ubtil that time.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > yes
Stephanie Thomson > yes
Deborah Bordelon > Yes
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > hanging on the edge here, Liz.
Joseph Olubadewo has left. [ 05:36:00 PM ]
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Whoop, lost one
Elizabeth Rhodes > Please post something in the disc board and do I have your permission to use it.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > any sound go with an exit?
Stephanie Thomson > Okay, I will try and if I do, yes feel free to use it.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Oh, yes, you have my permission to use anything I've said or done. Except the stabbing of course.
Stephanie Thomson > Ha!
Elizabeth Rhodes > Yes, KGB, on my system.
Deborah Bordelon > Thanks for participating today!
Elizabeth Rhodes > OOPs KBG
Stephanie Thomson > Thank you!
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > What sound went with an exit? A door slam?
Elizabeth Rhodes > I can'tput a nmae on it! :)
Deborah Bordelon has left. [ 05:37:53 PM ]
Stephanie Thomson > Can't or won't??
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Really? Now I'm curious?? It wasn't a gong?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Yes, a gong. debbie's exit was silent. It must be a MAc thing!
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > It's a Mac thang.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines > Okay guys, this was fun. Thanks for everything. I'll gong my way out now. Have a great vacation.
Stephanie Thomson > Well, I will sign off here so that I can go to the discussion board and finish business.
Elizabeth Rhodes > Thanks Y'all.
Kathryn Barrett-Gaines has left. [ 05:39:14 PM ]
Stephanie Thomson > Take care all! I hope that you have a safe and happy holiday!
Elizabeth Rhodes > Steph, ru sill there?
Stephanie Thomson > Oh, I can do both at the same time!! Cool!
Stephanie Thomson > Yes.
Stephanie Thomson > yes?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Hey now! You've got two windows open?
Stephanie Thomson > yep!
Elizabeth Rhodes > Wow, multitask
Stephanie Thomson > yes, Mark says its my middle name
Stephanie Thomson > shhh! that's a secret
Elizabeth Rhodes > go girl!
Elizabeth Rhodes has left. [ 05:42:45 PM ]
Stephanie Thomson > Did you get my "private" question?
Stephanie Thomson > Guess not.
Stephanie Thomson > Adios!
Elizabeth Rhodes has entered. [ 05:42:59 PM ]
Stephanie Thomson > You there?
Stephanie Thomson > Elizabeth/
Stephanie Thomson > Elizabeth?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Still here
Stephanie Thomson > Did you get the private message?
** Private: Stephanie Thomson asked a question > So, how is the dissertation coming along?
** Private: Elizabeth Rhodes replied to Stephanie Thomson > Not so great lately! and yours?
Elizabeth Rhodes > Yes, I just sent an answer
** Private: Stephanie Thomson asked a question > I have100 edited pages finished this morning and will send them out again to my advisor tomorrow after a friend has reviewed them. I am psyched!
** Private: Elizabeth Rhodes replied to Stephanie Thomson > Deb and I figured out that there is a sound to alert you that there is a question.
Elizabeth Rhodes > I will sign off now. Congrats on the 100 mark!
Elizabeth Rhodes > R U there?
Stephanie Thomson > Thanks
Stephanie Thomson > See you later! Forensics time!
Stephanie Thomson has left. [ 05:47:33 PM ]
Elizabeth Rhodes > BYe!
Elizabeth Rhodes has left. [ 05:47:40 PM ]
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