Chat log for Thursday, October 26, 2000

Note: Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

1 Student A: where is everbody?
2 Student A: guess I'm the only one here.
3 Student A: bye class
4 Student B: hey is anyone here?
5 Student B: hello hello hello
6 Student B: I tried to use internet explorer and it didnt work so you need to use netscape
7 Student B: So how was your day?
8 Student B: Mine was good but it went kinda slow.
9 Student B: So what do you think about these improve speeches?
10 Student B: Yeah im confused too!?!
12 Student B: So Im the only room user huh?
13 Student B: Im just talking to myself cause Im the only one here, otherwise I normally wouldnt. So dont think Im weird!
14 Student B: Or crazy or daranged!
15 Student B: Have you seen Martin "You So Crazy"?
16 Student B: Its so funny we should watch it in speech class because it will teach us how to memorize and to present a flawless act.
17 Student B: With no kind of hesitation.
18 Student B: Alright I guess Im out now cause this is pretty sad!
19 Student B: Ok bye bye now!!
20 Student B: Bye
21 Student B: No really Im leaving
22 Student B: Bye
23 Student B: Ok this it is I promise
24 Student B: Bye!
25 Student B: So whats up?
26 Student C: Kelly you are a trip
27 Student C: I don't know why we are here
28 Student B: Hey my name is Student B with an I moniwuhuh
29 Student B: Student B
30 Student B: Student B
31 Student B: Student B
32 Student B: Student B
33 Student C: Shut up
34 Student B: Student B
35 Student B: Student B
36 Student B: Student B
37 Student B: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
38 Student C: n-e ways lets talk abut speech
39 Student B: ok
40 Student C: Elizabeth is having problems
41 Student B: So I want chris to make a power point presentation foe me
42 Student B: What problems
43 Student C: for what, your next speech?
44 Student B: Yeah
45 Student B: It inormative huh?
46 Student B: I think I want to do it on Oprah
47 Student C: Elizabeth is in black voices now.
48 Student B: What is black voices
49 Student C: Oprah, that's tight
50 Student B: I was joking
51 Student C: I don't know
52 Student C: You should do it on Oprah
53 Student B: My topic is the life and times of Monique
54 Student B: Or perhaps Spike Lee
55 Student C: Yea there's this book about me on the thrid floor you can check out
56 Student B: You are so stupid
57 Student C: I'm signing off now
58 Student C: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
59 Student B: Have you seen Martins "You So Crazy"?
60 Student C: yea what about it
61 Student B: Nothing, its just so funny
62 Student B: Ive been watching it everyday cause Dandrea has it
63 Student B: Have you seen Jasons lyric
64 Student C: girl you are so crazy byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
65 Student C: yea let's go
66 Student B: The part where he shows you know what
67 Student C: yea do you have it here.
68 Student B: ok I will see yah soon

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