Chat log for Thursday, September 21, 2000 |
Note: Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
1 Teacher: Hello, I am in the room.
2 Teacher: If you don't know how to send a message, type in the rectangular bar next to the send button. Type a message and the send it.
3 Teacher: Hello, I am here! Where is eveybody?
4 Teacher: If you don't know how to send a message, you can type in the long-rectangular window next to the send button at the bottom of the page. You can also click the help button.
5 Teacher: Where is everyone?
6 Teacher: Bren, I am so glad to see you!
7 Student A: Hello Teacher
8 Teacher: Do you know how to chat? Type in a message at the botton window.
9 Student A: Yes I just figured it out
10 Teacher: I see you know how to operate the system. Do you chat often?
11 Teacher: Where are you chatting from?
12 Student A: Not any more for the last year I was too busy to play on computers
13 Student A: I'm chatting from one my friend's rooms
14 Teacher: Where is everyone else?
15 Student A: I have no earhly idea
16 Teacher: How is your speech class going?
17 Student A: It is kinda difficult because I'm not used to this setting
18 Teacher: Hello, Student B.
20 Student A: Hi Student B
21 Teacher: Mel, do you know how to chat?
23 Teacher: Where are you chatting from, Mel?
25 Teacher: Brennon, what do you mean when you say you are not used to this setting?
26 Teacher: Mel, do you see any of your classmates in the lab?
27 Student A: I'm used to a teacher just telling me everything I need to know for a test and then studying
29 Student A: I'm not at that good at just reading material and then taking a quiz
30 Teacher: Brent, so how is this different? Mel, what do you think?
31 Teacher: But we have lectures every class too.
32 STUDENT B: I like the setting but my pc is down and it makes it hard for me to get to a pc
33 Student A: You just tell us to basically do all of our work, except speeches, on the internet
34 Teacher: Well, I know that the technology is a problem at times.
35 Student A: We have lectures after the qizes which to me, defeat the purpose
36 Teacher: The computers break down and we need more tech support on campus.
37 Student A: And a lot of the time the computers
38 Student A: I use start acting up and I can't get all the way through
39 Student A: Wheer do you stay Student B
40 Student A: Where
41 STUDENT B: In Kenner
42 Student A: How far is that from the school
43 Teacher: Brent, we have never had a quiz without having the lectures first. We discuss the quizzes after they been taken. For example we had a quz on chapter one after week one. We had a quiz on chapters 2 and 3 after reviewing chapters 2 and 3.
44 STUDENT B: I think that ecollege is a very good way to get people to learn about the net
45 Student A: Teacher, I think we should get some extra credit for being on time
46 Teacher: I wonder why it appears that way. What can we do about that?
47 Student A: It's good but I guess I have to get better at being more disciplined
48 STUDENT B: some people are trying to get on right now
49 Teacher: I think you should get some extra credit too. This is worth 10 points but I'll add in another 5 for good measure.
50 Student A: I'm good at the actual speaking, just not the other stuff
51 STUDENT B: Teacher what gave you this idea of ecollege
52 Student A: Thank you Much
53 Teacher: What do you think about audiance analysis? What kinds of demographics are in our class?
54 Teacher: I know teachers at other universities that use such systems. The big 10 institutions are testing these systems out and I think that the black college students should be part of the technology challenge.
55 STUDENT B: middle class, young educated people are in the class they are very out spoken and have a lot of oppenions
56 Student A: I think that our classmates really have to be captivated by a speech to show any positive feedback
57 Teacher: Also, there are others at Xavier who are teaching with this system at the request of the university. The administration want's to know if the students are motivated to use this system and can learn from it.
58 Student A: Are the other people still trying to get on?
59 STUDENT B: If in my speech I talk about young black voter turnout would that exclude the others in the class or would they mind
60 Teacher: Most of the time students give other students too much positive feedback. They aren't being truthful. Maybe they don't want to criticize a peer.
61 STUDENT B: yes they are trying
62 Teacher: I think that voter turn out is a good topic. It could be used to perform or persuade. You could even demonstrate the process of registering to vote.
63 Student A: I think that alot of people are too timid n their speeches
64 Teacher: Who is trying to get on? Do you know there names?
65 Teacher: Why are students timid? Do you think they are afraid of using bad grammar or black dialect?
66 STUDENT B: Student E
67 Teacher: Hello Alexis. Glad to see you!
68 Student C: good morning
69 STUDENT B: she left to go to another lab
70 Student A: I think they're afraid of what the audience thinks of them
71 Teacher: Alexis, where are you?
72 Student C: in my instructional tech. class
73 Teacher: What might the audiance think?
74 Student C: What is the discussion about today?
75 Teacher: Alexi so you chat often?
76 Student A: That the person doesn't know what they're talking about or it's not a good speech at all
77 Student C: yes, but with instant messanger
78 Teacher: We are talking about demographics of our classroom, speech topics, phoebias, ect.
79 Student C: Ok.
80 Teacher: We can't use instant messanger at Xavier due to fire walls.
81 STUDENT B: I do not think that they are afraid to use black dialect but they are mindful of it Student A: The funny thing is that the people you're so afraid of thinking you're bad are just as afraid of you thinking they're bad
82 Teacher: What can we do about that?
83 Teacher: Show much love? Speak more in class?
84 Teacher: Alexis, do you have a speech topic?
85 Student A: Get the class into more of a group discussion so they can start to feel more relaxed around their peers
86 Teacher: Brennon, what's your speech topic?
87 Student C: I don't know what to do for a demo speech yet
88 STUDENT B: have more class dicusions and get to know one another
89 Student C: I agree. If people got to know one another a little better they would feel more comfortable speaking in front of them.
90 Student A: I don't know I need some ideas
91 Teacher: Do you read the threaded discussions online? Do you think that if we discussed more in class, people would feel more comfortable with each other?
92 Student A: absolutely
93 STUDENT B: yes
94 Student C: yes
95 Teacher: Give Brent some ideas yall!
96 Student A: yeah ya'll
97 Student A: !!
98 Student C: What I've learned is that I can be strongly oppinionated online, but not in class Student A: Why
99 Student C: Brent what are you interested in
100 Student A: Everything
101 Teacher: Start with something you are interested in. What might that be?
102 Teacher: What's you major?
103 Student A: Religion, sports, ....
104 STUDENT B: what about the use computeres in inner citie schools
105 Student A: Right now it's engineering/physics with a minor in theology
106 Teacher: You know, if everyone was online, this could be a really interesting discussion. I am having fun and getting good feedback jsut from the three of you.
107 Student A: but I think I might change it
108 Student C: maybe discuss why you would like to change it, and compare your old major and your new one.
109 STUDENT B: you are interested in everything
110 Student A: Is that a bad thing
111 STUDENT B: you can discuss how religion is in very aspect of ones everyday life
112 Student A: But don't we have to persuade in our speech
113 Teacher: You could inform us about how to choose a major. You can find lot's of books on the subject and you could interview admission counselors.
114 Student A: So I could inform about eligion and how it's incorporated into our everyday life?
115 Teacher: We will be doing a persuasive speech in about 6 weeks. You can always start to research now!
116 STUDENT B: Student E is tring to get on again if she is not able to get on another pc then i will let her use mine
117 Student A: What is our speech supposed to be this time
118 Teacher: Yes, I think that that would make for an interesting topic. Informative speeches can be about a concept such as everyday spirtuallity.
119 STUDENT B: Thanks to Student B
120 Student A: Are yall in the computer lab or right ouside of it
121 STUDENT B: inside
122 Student C: I think Religion would be interesting.
123 Teacher: The first speech is a demonstration speech. The second speech is an informative speech.
124 Student A: Demonstrate like process?
125 Student C: Teacher, what have people usually done in a class for a demo.?
126 STUDENT B: Teacher I am going to get off and let Moore on is that ok and will I get my 15pt
127 Teacher: Yes like how to create a web page, change a tire, fill a prescription.
128 Student A: I can demo how to be a "G"
129 Student A: [:)]
130 Student C: lol
131 STUDENT B: lol
132 Teacher: Yes Mel, Thanks for chatting
133 Student A: Can
134 Student A: I do that Teacher
135 Teacher: Are yall talking in code? What's up wotj [:)]
136 Student C: I use my computer a lot, so I know a little bit, but I don't know what I could teach people about using it.
137 Teacher: Hi Sammy!
138 Sammyuel
139 Student C: Sammy, where are you?
140 Student C: Brent where are you?
141 Sammyuel: 9th w/d
142 Student A: IWhat took you so long man
143 Student C: just curious
144 Student A: It's all about that 3rd Ward
145 Student A: Texas
146 Teacher: What does that lol mean?
147 Student A: laugh on line
148 Student C: laughing out loud
149 Student A: oh my bad
150 Student C: :c)
151 Student C: sorry
152 Teacher: I was laughing too, wasn't I Sammy.
153 Sammyuel sure
154 Student A: Ummmmm
155 Student C: Teacher, could I teach the class how to do a powerpoint or something like that
156 Teacher: what is :c)
157 Student C: just my little smile :c)
158 Student A: :0
159 Student A: [:)]
160 Teacher: Please do! That would be great!
161 Sammyuel where is everyone?????The rest of the class
162 Teacher: Yall are so funny!
163 Student C: cool.
164 Student A: Can I teach something?
165 Teacher: That's what I say. What's up with that?
166 Student C: I check to see my software when I get back to the dorm, but I may have something else good to do.
167 Sammyuel : So do we get extra pts.
168 Teacher: Yes, you may teach us something. Like what?
169 Student A: How to get around stage fright
170 Student A: I would make it fun
171 Student A: I'm just that kinda guy
172 Student C: yeah, involve the class
173 Teacher: Sammy, we have already took care of that issue.
174 Student A: So sad
175 Teacher: So sad what?
176 Teacher: Sammy, what is your speech going to demonstrate?
177 Student A: That he wasn't there to be elated about the extra point issue
178 Sammyuel: Hum.....what speech
179 Sammyuel_: just kidding
180 Teacher: Alexis, what's you major?
181 Student A: REally?
182 Student C: special/elementary education
183 Student A: Special as in short bus
184 Student A: ?
185 Student C: that is incredibly harsh
186 Teacher: Great major. Sammy, what's yours?
187 Sammyuel : pharmacy
188 Student A: I'm sorry if I wasn't politically correct
189 Teacher: lol right?
190 Student A: I didn't mean it in a mean way
191 Student C: yes
192 Student C: Oh, its ok.
193 Sammyuel: what does right mean
194 Student A: Thank you kindly
195 Student: I mean I get a little sensitive about it
196 Sammyuel_: Teacher
197 Student A: yes
198 Teacher: yes
199 Teacher: Yes, Sammy?
200 Student C: but there are different levels and that kind of thing, varying from mild learning disabilities to severely impared
201 Student A: Do you want to work with them all or just specific ones?
202 Sammyuel: i told u my major & U replied right!
203 Student A: Calm down
204 Student A: Sammy
205 Teacher: You could tell us how to fill a prescription.
206 Student C: that would be interesting. I'd like to know how its done.
207 Student A: Take drug A with drug B to get a major drugC
208 Teacher: Alex, do you know about the scholarship money for special ed. majors?
209 Student A: Bout time Student E
210 Student E: Hi, I just got on, I have been trying here in the computer lab since the beginning of class.
211 Student A: Yeah yeah yeah
212 Student A: [:)]
213 Sammyuel: Sure u were
214 Teacher: Hello Student E!
215 Student E: I tried five different computers, none of them have Microsoft Virtual Machine downloaded
216 Teacher: what is [:)] again?
217 Student C: yes. I learned about it. When they told me about it, I changed it to a double major.
218 Student E: Hi, Teacher and class!
219 Student A: a smile
220 Student C: w/ elementary ed.
221 Sammyuel_: hi Student E
222 Teacher: Yes, now I see it! [:(] is a frown?
223 Student E: Hi, Sammy1
224 Student E: !
225 Sammyuel_ 5th w/d weebie pt.2
226 Student C: well everyone, I am going to get ready to go. But I am going to try to come back later, during my class time.
227 Student A: By George I think she's got it
228 Teacher: Student E, are there others still trying?
229 Student C: have a nice day everyone. Bye Bye :c)
230 Student E: By Alicia
231 Student A: May I leave also?
232 Student C: bye
233 Teacher: Thanks for chatting Alexis!
234 Student E: I'm not sure, but someone else from our class tried earlier, and another guy just walkded in.
235 Teacher: Brent, you want to leave us just as the fun is starting?
236 Student A: Ummmmmmm
237 Student E: How long does our speech have to be?
238 Teacher: That's okay, Sammy and Student E will stick it out.
239 Student A: I'm all pooped out on fun
240 Student A: Thanks
241 Student A: Yall have a nice day and bye
242 Teacher: The speech has to be from 4-5 minutes long.
243 Sammyuel: cool
244 Student E: You too Brent
245 Teacher: Student E, do you have a topic?
246 Teacher: How do you like using ecollege?
247 Student E: I choice depression as my topic, but now I want to change it to water, and show the different perspectives of water.
248 Student E: Is that Ok?
249 Teacher: Are you taking biology?
250 Student E: Yes, and chemistry
251 Teacher: Sounds good.
252 Teacher: Sammy, what are you doing?
253 Student E: So water as a topic is good?
254 Student E: Sammy do you have your topic yet?
255 Sammyuel: just reading
256 Sammyuel: not really
257 Sammyuel : whenis it do
258 Teacher: Yes, I think that it is very interesting.
259 Teacher: Demonstration Speeches are do Oct. 8.
260 Student E: Ok, thank you, I hope the class will think so too.
261 Teacher: How do you feel the class is going?
262 Student E: The demo speeches can be power point presentations?
263 Teacher: Yes!
264 Sammyuel: are all of our speeches in the syllabus
265 Teacher: Yes
266 Sammyuel: cool
267 Teacher: We have 2 speeches due in October
268 Student E: I think the class has got off to a good start, everyone is getting the feel of using the internet and getting adjusted to ecollege. It is a lot different from a regular classroom setting.
269 Teacher: Hello Student F
270 Student F: Hello how are you
271 Student E: Hi Paliria
272 Teacher: Where are you?
273 Sammyuel: tkae your time
274 Student F: Hello everyone, I just made it home in that bad weather from school (Harvey).
275 Teacher: Student F, do you have a speech topic?
276 Teacher: Is it raining outside?
277 Student E: Yeah, it's really coming down out there.
278 Sammyuel: It's storming by me
279 Student F: My topic is oriental rugs, the history, culture and arts.
280 Student E: That sounds interesting.
281 Sammyuel: that is a great topic
282 Teacher: What about for your demonstration speech?
283 Sammyuel: can u help me choose mine
284 Student F: What's your topic Lorin?
285 Student F: Thanks Sammyuel.
286 Teacher: Sammy, do you like rugs? Me too! What about you, Student E
287 Sammyuel: I like persian rugs
288 Student E: Water and its different perspectives.
289 Student F: my speech will intail a two minute discussion on all 3 topics. Did we have a test this week?
290 Teacher: Let's give Sammy ideas for speeches or did you want help on chosing a rug/
291 Student E: Yes, I like rugs, especially oriental rugs.
292 Sammyuel: not rugs, that's taken
293 Teacher: Our document sharing exercise will be our test for chapter 4
294 Student E: Well what do you like Sammy, you can give a speech about something that interests you and that you think might interest the class.
295 Student F: Okay I will turn it in on Tuesday, who needs a topic. What is your topicc on Sammyuel?
296 Student E: Sammy does
297 Sammyuel: do not have 1
298 Teacher: Do you think students are afraid to speak out in class?
299 : who are u speaking to...Teacher
300 Teacher: Do you think students are reading the material? Is it helpful?
301 Student F: Does anyone have any pictures of oriental rugs so that I may have it for my presentation?
302 Teacher: That would be Yall
303 Student E: Maybe, because I don't speak out, but my voice doesn't carry well, and I am not much of a talker.
304 Sammyuel: i read the bk. mainly
305 Teacher: Try the internet. You can make transparencies or take us to a website in your presentation
306 Student E: no, but you should try the internet.
307 Student F: I think this is fun this is my second time ever chatting on line the first time everyone was going to fast. I think this was an excellent idea Teacher.
308 Student E: yeah I think so to, now people who don't usually talk will talk
309 Student F: Student E I am the Sammye way at time so I practice in front of a mirror.
310 Teacher: We had more people. Not everyone showed up. Only about 8 students total. But yall get the points.
311 Student E: Yeah, I do too, or in front of friends
312 Student F: Do you think my topic is okay Teacher
313 Student E: Yeah, maybe more people will come later.
314 Thu Sep 21, 2000 11:00:15 AM>: My computer just blinked off/on due to the storm. I do not want to blow my screen so I see u guys soon.
315 Student F: Student E what about interrior designs?
316 Student F: It was nice talking to you Sa,
317 Teacher: Well, this session is over in about 5 minutes. Maybe people will come this afternoon at 2:40
318 Student E: Coming from the view point of an audience member I think your topic is quite interesting.
319 Student F: Student E/Ms Walker what about Interior decorating?
320 Teacher: I have an oriental rug in my office.
321 Student F: Thanks Student E
322 Student E: Interior designs are nice, I once thought about being an interior designer
323 Student E: You are welcomed
324 Teacher: You could tell us how to choice home furnishings, like on the Home channel.
325 Student F: Oh my goodness what a coincidence I thought about it to.
326 Student F: all right sounds good to me.
327 Student E: Yeah, or you could show us what different pattern symobolize, and where they orginated.
328 Teacher: What about the men in the audiance. Maybe you could tell us about decorating a dorm room..There are some great websites out there for this.
329 Student F: I am still doing the oriental rugs the interior decorating was for Student E
330 Teacher: I like the idea of where the patterns come from
331 Student E: Its always nice to find something for the dorm to make it more like home, rather than, just a room
332 Teacher: Well folks. Are you ready to sign off?
333 Student F: okay this was fun bye for now ...
334 Student E: Oh, I have a topic, or a few in mind, but thank you.
335 Student F: your welcome.
336 Student F: bye
337 Student E: Yeah, it has been nice, I'm glad I finally got on!
338 Student E: See you tues.
339 Teacher: Have a good weekend!
340 Student E: Sammye to you!
341 Student G: hello is anyone there
342 Student G: hello there
343 Student G: Teacher??
344 Student H: i got on
345 Student H: no one is here
346 Student H: bla bla bla
347 Student G: hey
348 Student H: hi nicole
349 Student G: how are you??
350 Student H: i'm cool
351 Student H: u?
352 Student G: that's good
353 Student G: where is everyone else??
354 Student G: I am good
355 Student H: i don't know
356 Student G: lol
357 Student G: neither do I
358 Student G: do you have an exam today??\
359 Student H: taha still tryin to get on
360 Student H: no
361 Student G: well I do
362 Student H: what
363 Student G: I have an exam today at 5:15
364 Student G: hey Jennifer
365 Student H: hi jenny
366 Student H: lol
367 Student H: kristen!!!
368 Student G: hey Kristen
369 Student J: hey chris..
370 Student J: hey nicole
371 Student K: pleeaasse don't call me jenny
372 Student H: ok
373 Student J: yes..chris
374 Student H: jk
375 Student K: hi Nicole
376 Student H: tasha is frustrated
377 Student J: chris..where is delaine??
378 Student K: is anybody in accounting?
379 Student H: Tasha HI!
380 Student G: I think she is still trying to get on
381 Student H: Yes I'm trying to get on
382 Student J: huh??
383 Student G: no
384 Student J: oh..hey d!!
385 Student H: Its me Delaine I'm at Chris's computer
386 Student J: what are we supposed to talk about??
387 Student H: speech
388 Student G: I don't have a clue
389 Student J: okay!!
390 Student H: she stood us up
391 Student J: welll..i am watching queen latifah
392 Student G: lol
393 Student H: what the subject
394 Student G: what are the topics of you all's speeches??
395 Student K: what's on QL
396 Student J: i dont have a clue..
397 Student G: I am thinking about doing mine on Cleopatra
398 Student J: that sounds interesting..
399 Student G: Hey Danielle
400 Student G: yeah I think so too
401 Student M: Hey guys
402 Student K: I wanna do mine on an Indian tribe
403 Student H: yes?
404 Student J: hey Danielle
405 Student G: which one??
406 Student M: Believe it or not, I've never chatted before
407 Student K: you know how they lived etc.
408 Student K: I don't know
409 Student G: oh
410 Student M: Try the Cherokee tribe, ther's plenty info out there on them
411 Student K: ok
412 Student G: yeah that's a good one
413 Student J: Delaine..did u finish with those notes yet??
414 Student H: nope
415 Student M: You guys know we're supposed to be talking about audience analysis stuff...
416 Student G: oh well I am glad you know that
417 Student J: take your's not like im gonna study them..ha!!
418 Student G: because I didn't
419 Student J: oh..oops!!
420 Student H: bla bla bla
421 Student G: like what kind of stuff Danielle
422 Student M: I'm going to be a nerd and pose the first challenge question. Drum roll please...what makes a good speaker according to the analysing the audinence chapter
423 Student H: sroll through my book
424 Student M: hello - where ya'll at
425 Student G: audience centered??
426 Student K: i'm trying! hang on
427 Student M: 10 seconds
428 Student K: nicole is right
429 Student J: i am lost..i am all into this queen latifah show..sorry
430 Student H: okay, I'm not on yet and I'm really mad now!
431 Student K: audience centered
432 Student M: YES! Great job guys
433 Student G: thank you, thank you, thank you
434 Student H: I've been here since 3:30
435 Student M: You'll get alovely parting gift in class Tues. - sponsored by Foundation
436 Student G: thanks for the help Jennifer
437 Student G: lol
438 Student K: you must have read the chapters
439 Student G: its not even 3:30 yet
440 Student H: just now
441 Student G: lol
442 Student G: I took notes
443 Student H: 2:30 thats how frustrated delaine is
444 Student G: oh sorry
445 Student K: i haven't even been able to get to that yet. i've fallin out with cold so bad
446 Student M: Next challenge: What three questions should we ask ourselves as we prepare for a speech?
447 Student G: look who is here
448 Student N: I'M IN.....................I'M IN!
449 Student G: who we are addressing?
450 Student M: Yes and...
451 Student G: what do I want my audience to know?
452 Student M: Yes and...
453 Student G: how can I ffectively present my speech to accomplish that
454 Student G: oops effectively
455 Student N: what chapter are we in?
456 Student G: 5
457 Student M: Congrats - You've just won an extra 100 bonus points for class
458 Student G: I wish
459 Student M: Me too
460 Student N: thanx
461 Student G: lol
462 Student G: you're welcome
463 Student M: Third Challenge: What is a demographic analysis of audience composed of?
464 Student G: age
465 Student G: gender
466 Student G: religion
467 Student K: age
468 Student M: YOU're on a roll
469 Student N: religion
470 Student M: YEAH that's it
471 Student G: racial, ethnic, or cultural background
472 Student M: Go head
473 Student G: and group membership
474 Student M: CHris what's the deal yo
475 Student N: group membership
476 Student G: he's back
477 Student N: Nicole you can't give all the answers!
478 Student K: fo real
479 Student N: lol
480 Student G: I am about to leave anyways
481 Student N: why?
482 Student M: why he had to leave - the ladies are representin' cause we know our stuff. Chris couldn't handle the heat!
483 Student N: you put in your time?
484 Student M: I'm bout to be out also
485 Student G: I have an exam
486 Student H: noooooooooooooooooooo
487 Student K: how long do we have to saty on
488 Student G: there is no time limit
489 Student N: ok
490 Student M: I did my good deed for the day
491 Student G: lol
492 Student G: tru dat
493 Student N: lol
494 Student N: where is Pro. Walker?
495 Student G: who knows?
496 Student H: sleep
497 Student G: lol
498 Student N: lol
499 Student J: she's probably eating
500 Student G: eating?
501 Student N: ya'll need to stop!
502 Student M: Ya'll better recognize
503 Student K: ohhh. not nice
504 Student J: i bad!!
505 Student H: she probably record these and reads them later
506 Student K: yep
507 Student N: yeah
508 Student G: probably so
509 Student J: oh ..well she mentions food in class all the time
510 Student G: good point Chris
511 Student G: lol
512 Student M: that was not Chris
513 Student J: pay close attention on tuesday..
514 Student G: it wasn't?
515 Student N: yes it was
516 Student J: i promise..
517 Student M: oh yes it was sorry buddy
518 Student G: ok if you say so Krsiten
519 Student H: she's gona get u Kristen
520 Student J: i know!!!
521 Student G: lol
522 Student G: watch out girl!
523 Student N: lets get back on topic, so I can put in my time
524 Student H: watch ur back
525 Student H: okay
526 Student J: i'm really scared!!
527 Student K: what was the teacher talkin about tuesday
528 Student G: What are 2 demograhpic variables?
529 Student H: nothin
530 Student K: what's with the sheet
531 Student J: when do we have to have our topics??
532 Student N: you were to post topics last Sat.
533 Student M: hey did you guys just get disconnected
534 Student G: I thought it was by last Saturday
535 Student G: no
536 Student G: just you Danielle
537 Student H: why must a public speaker be audience centered?
538 Student N: not me
539 Student M: WHY ME!?!?!?!
540 Student J: i was not in class on thursday..i was at that funeral..remeber delaine??
541 Student G: I don't know
542 Student N: I though you were leaving
543 Student M: to gain a desired audience response
544 Student G: good one
545 Student H: yeah i guess
546 Student G: what are ywo demographic variables??
547 Student G: oops two
548 Student M: I'm addicted, I can't leave
549 Student G: lol
550 Student N: age
551 Student G: no that is a trait
552 Student G: try again
553 Student H: size?
554 Student N: speaking situation?
555 Student G: stuff like occupation, economic position, education
556 Student G: etc
557 Student N: were did you find that?
558 Student G: in Ch. 5
559 Student K: you on the ball
560 Student H: occupation
561 Student G: after the demo traits
562 Student N: page#
563 Student G: I don't know it was in my notes
564 Student H: kristen stop playin
565 Student J: what??
566 Student G: next challenge: What are some examinin features??
567 Student K: what
568 Student G: What are some examining features?
569 Student N: What has is highly flexible and allows for in- depth questioning?
570 Student K: what chapter
571 Student G: 5
572 Student N: 5
573 Student N: need a hint?
574 Student K: yep
575 Student N: you have to go through this to get a job
576 Student G: interview
577 Student K: interview
578 Student G: what was the quesiton??
579 Student N: YES!
580 Student N: look up
581 Student G: I can't
582 Student G: don' worry about it
583 Student G: nevermind
584 Student N: Now, what is a scale question?
585 Student G: well I will see you guys next week....have a safe weekend
586 Student K: questions that offere a fixed choice between 2 or more alt.
587 Student N: you to
588 Student N: yes
589 Student G: bye
590 Student N: Jennifer we are the only ones here
591 Student N: bye
592 Student K: i see
593 Student K: what time did u come in
594 Student N: I've been trying to get in sine 2:30
595 Student K: What!!!!!!
596 Student K: Why so long?
597 Student N: but I didn't make it until 3 something
598 Student K: are u on your own computer
599 Student N: no I'm at the library
600 Student N: me & Chris came to study
601 Student K: OHHHHH
602 Student N: but I was using Internet Exp. at first then used Netscape
603 Student N: Netscape let me in
604 Student J: delaine..what is your speech about??
605 Student N: what speech?
606 Student J: didnt u say that we had to post topics??
607 Student K: last saturday
608 Student N: yep, I think I'm doing internet surfing for me demo.
609 Student N: my
610 Student J: oh..okay..what about u jennifer??
611 Student K: cherokee tribe
612 Student N: that sounds interesting...... for which speech?
613 Student J: is that for your demo..jennifer??
614 Student K: yep
615 Student J: cool
616 Student N: you kris?
617 Student J: honestly..i have no idea..this is the first time that im hearing about this..
618 Student N: that is too bad
619 Student J: i figure something out over the weekend..
620 Student N: I thought I told you
621 Student N: have either of you done the workbook work?
622 Student J: no..sweetie..u didnt..but dont sweet is okay!!
623 Student K: the last assignments, but not this weeks
624 Student J: oops..sweat..sorry
625 Student K: I'm behind
626 Student N: Me and Chris are gonna do it today
627 Student K: when do we present
628 Student N: I don't know
629 Student J: present what??
630 Student N: the first speech
631 Student J: oh!!
632 Student N: look at the book...oops I mean syllabus
633 Student N: which is 100 pages
634 Student K: not funny
635 Student J: i will..thanx
636 Student N: yep
637 Student N: Chris is here, but he keeps talking my head off
638 Student J: well..d i will see you in english 2morrow..bye jennifer!!
639 Student K: bye
640 Student K: bye tasha
641 Student N: yep. 2morrow! I'm going also jennifer
642 Student N: bye