I. Introduction and Overview

  1. Introduction
  2. Why We Plan & Why We Don't Plan
  3. "Relish Simplicity"
  4. Content & Functionality Before Style & Presentation
  5. Steal This Code
  6. Test Early; Test Often
  7. Two Kinds of Planning...

II. Project Management

  1. Don't Be Overly Ambitious
  2. Always, Always, Always...
  3. Use Pencil and Paper
  4. Write a One-Sentence Summary
  5. Make an Outline
  6. Make a Flow-Chart
  7. Draw Sketches
  8. Write a Design Document
  9. Develop a Workflow
  10. Archive Originals
  11. Make Back-Ups
  12. Structure Your Documents Logically
  13. Structure Your File Hierarchy Logically
  14. Plan for Continual Maintenance
  15. Use Templates
  16. Learn HTML 4 and CSS
  17. Choose the Right Tool

III. Design Issues

  1. User-Centered Design
  2. The Pyramid
  3. Site Design

    1. Unified vs. Disconnected
    2. The Home Page
    3. The Personal Page
    4. The Politics of Linking
  4. Page Design

    1. Navigation Strategies
    2. Small is Beautiful
    3. Example: A Redesigned Web Page
    4. Writing Strategies
    5. Misc. Good Practices

IV. Testing

  1. Why Test?
  2. A Basic Testing Strategy
  3. Using Lynx

Make an Outline

To help organize your thoughts, it's often helpful to make an outline of all the content that you plan to include. I made an outline for this project, and used it as a table of contents -- providing an index to all the material.

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