I. Introduction and Overview
Why We Plan & Why We Don't Plan
"Relish Simplicity"
Content & Functionality Before Style & Presentation
Steal This Code
Test Early; Test Often
Two Kinds of Planning...
II. Project Management
Don't Be Overly Ambitious
Always, Always, Always...
Use Pencil and Paper
Write a One-Sentence Summary
Make an Outline
Make a Flow-Chart
Draw Sketches
Write a Design Document
Develop a Workflow
Archive Originals
Make Back-Ups
Structure Your Documents Logically
Structure Your File Hierarchy Logically
Plan for Continual Maintenance
Use Templates
Learn HTML 4 and CSS
Choose the Right Tool
III. Design Issues
User-Centered Design
The Pyramid
Site Design
Unified vs. Disconnected
The Home Page
The Personal Page
The Politics of Linking
Page Design
Navigation Strategies
Small is Beautiful
Example: A Redesigned Web Page
Writing Strategies
Misc. Good Practices
IV. Testing
Why Test?
A Basic Testing Strategy
Using Lynx
Make an Outline
To help organize your thoughts, it's often helpful to make an outline of all the content that you plan to include. I made an outline for this project, and used it as a table of contents -- providing an index to all the material.
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