SPIG Minutes for Friday, February 27th, 2004

10-10:55 AM

Attendants: Todd Stanislav, Bart Everson, David Lanoue, Dr. Deborah Bordelon, Dr. Susan Fredine, Dr. Lanny Foss, and Michelle B. Falgoust

The minutes of the 11-20-03 meeting were reviewed and approved. The minutes of the 2-13-04 meeting will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Todd and Bart briefly described the ways in which the Web will be used by the Group. Examples of how it can be used include:

Todd asked for more suggestions. Debbie Bordelon mentioned a university that provided links from its faculty development website to resources and other information about teaching and learning.

The group discussed the Center's mission statement -as it was written in the past and a draft of a new mission statement. Sue Fredine noted that, in the second paragraph of the new draft statement, there is no mention of what will be affected by "...effective planning, implementation, and assessment practices ...." Sue also noted that she preferred the mission statement as it was written in the brochure.

The group noted that the biggest change in the mission statement of the Center, over time, concerns K-12 education. There was discussion of the specific activities the Center used to support in this regard, and how the K-12 piece has changed over time.

Sue Fredine suggested that the Center work with the Division of Education in helping to achieve the goals of one or both units. Lanny Foss expressed his interest in looking for a possible congruence of interest.

Lanny Foss inquired about whether or not, or to what extent, the Center's initiatives and projects fit with K-12 education.

The group decided that, in order to fully understand the history and possible future of K-12 in the mission of the Center, it wished to:

  1. have Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes, the Center's former school/university liaison, speak to the group (Todd will arrange this with Elizabeth)
  2. review the Division of Education's current planning document (Debbie Bordelon will provide copies of this to the group)
  3. review the current work of the Center (Todd suggested that the group members visit the Center's homepage and follow the "Initiatives" link. He noted that the Communities Initiative page would be updated in the next day or two.)

— Minutes respectfully submitted by Michelle Falgoust,
Administrative Assistant in the Center for the Advancement of Teaching

See also: SPIG