SPIG Minutes for Friday, May 21st, 2004

10-10:50 AM

Attendants: Bart Everson, Michelle Falgoust, Lanny Foss, Susan Fredine, David Lanoue, and Todd Stanislav.

The minutes of the 5-14-04 meeting were reviewed, amended, and approved.

The group discussed the upcoming conference call with the consultants, Jack Rossman and Jane Miller. The group noted four items in the letter from Cheryl Hilinski that should be addressed during the conference call:

The group in turn discussed each item.

Finally, the group agreed that Dr. Barron's participation, her schedule permitting, in the meetings and in the work with the consultants is important.

— Minutes respectfully submitted by Michelle Falgoust,
Administrative Assistant in the Center for the Advancement of Teaching

See also: SPIG