SPIG Minutes for Wednesday, June 30th, 2004

10-11:00 AM

Attendants: Dr. Elizabeth Barron, Deborah Bordelon, Bart Everson, Michelle Falgoust, Lanny Foss, Susan Fredine, and Todd Stanislav.

The minutes of the 6-9-04 meeting were reviewed, amended, and approved.

The group discussed the schedule for the consultants' visit next week. The group considered any questions that could be forwarded to the consultants in advance of the visit. Two questions were posed:

  1. Do you have any concerns or questions that you could share with us before you arrive on campus next week?
  2. How should we, once we reach this stage in the strategic planning process, go about doing the SWOT analysis?

Todd will send the questions to Jane and Jack.

Todd asked the group to familiarize themselves with the materials that were sent to the consultants.

The group reviewed the "Stages of the Planning Process" document. Sue noted that, even though we have settled on the mission and values, that some changes to these statements may occur as a result of both the input from faculty and administrators and our future conversations during the planning process.

Members of the group expressed again their interest in learning more about what other faculty development centers or centers for teaching are doing.

The group agreed that, pending any new ideas we glean from the consultants' visit, that we would begin reviewing the planning documents of other offices on campus. The following members agreed to review and report on specific planning documents at the next meeting:

The group agreed to include two value statements that Lanny proposed at the last meeting. These statements will be added to the mission-program-values document and read:

— Minutes respectfully submitted by Michelle Falgoust,
Administrative Assistant in the Center for the Advancement of Teaching

See also: SPIG