Circe and her Strange Enchantments

Book X, lines 149-635

Rouse, Pages 113-123

After being blown back to Aiolos's island, and after their violent encounter with the Laistrygonians (see page 114-115), our increasingly-wearied and worried crew reach the island of Aiaia, where Circe, another enchantress, lives. Odysseus divides his men into two parties; his party waits near the ship while the party led by Eurylochos seeks the residents of this island. When they reach Circe's house, she welcomes them by preparing a very nice dinner, but unfortunately for the crew, she slips some drugs into their wine. Once they have drunk, she waves her wand, changes them into pigs, and herds them out to her pigsty.

Eurylochos has suspected that she was up to something and hung back; he manages to escape the fate of his 21 comrades and return to tell Odysseus of their swinish fate. Now, once again, our hero finds himself faced with a difficult situation. This time, he has a little help in releasing his men from their predicament...

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