Circe and her Strange Enchantments


  1. What is the crew's state of mind when they first land on Circe's island?
  2. What happens when the crew unknowingly swallows Circe's drugs?
  3. What does Eurylochos do when Odysseus asks him to return to Circe's house?
  4. What is moly?
  5. What instructions does Hermes give Odysseus regarding his interaction with Circe?
  6. How does Circe respond to Odysseus?
  7. What becomes of Odysseus's swinish men?
  8. What does Eurylochos say when Odysseus instructs the other half of his crew to shore the ship and come to Circe's house?
  9. How long do Odysseus and his men stay with Circe?
  10. Where does Circe tell them to go before they attempt the voyage back to Ithaca?
  11. What must they do in this place?
  12. What happens to Elpenor?

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