Material Culture History
Material culture study is based upon the obvious premise that the existence of a [human]-made object is concrete evidence of the presence of a human mind operating at the time of fabrication. The common assumption underlying material culture research is that objects made or modified by humans, consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, reflect the belief patterns of individuals who made, commissioned, purchased, or used them, and, by extension, the belief patterns of the larger society of which they are a part. (Schlereth, Material Culture Studies in America, p.3)

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Lesson unit.



Expressing Freedom and Democracy in America



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The Flag by Jasper Johns (1954)



Keeper of the Gate




Birmingham Totem by Charles White (1964)



Encircling Humanity


Processional by Norman Lewis (1965)



Between Two Worlds


Flag for the Moon: Die Nigger by Faith Ringgold (1969)



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Xavier University of Louisiana