There was quite a bit of time and effort invested in this BibleDudes web site, and we'd like to take a moment and give credit where credit is due.
Right you are Mike, my darling. When I think about all the hours devoted just to make me so darn glamorous, I start to loose dromedary hairs from my voluptuous fatty hump.
That's probably more information than we needed to know Cleopatra. But concerning the time involved, let me add I was a young jack weanling when BibleDudes was born way back in 2002.
This project began when my friend Mike was awarded a grant from the Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Xavier University of Louisiana to create a Rich Media Project under the financial support of the Mellon Foundation. Because Mike is a dude that loves the Bible, and because so many other domain names were taken, he decided to call the project BibleDudes.
I invited Jeff to be part of the project because, he's like the smartest friend I have. We were graduate students together at UCSD where we earned our Ph.D.s in Biblical Studies. We've also co-authored several books, including The Bible for Dummies. With Jeff on board, the Bible portion of the project was set, but we needed the world's most talented graphic artist and web guru to make the site a reality. That's when I had the good fortune of meeting Bart Everson.
My name is Bart, and I'm a multimedia artist. My role in this project is to take the ideas from Jeff and Mike and make them a reality in the world of technology. I designed the web site, digitized all the images, and created the movies within the site. So in the end, about half of my professional life has been sucked dead because of BibleDudes.
Before this goes any further, I demand we give credit to the fabulous BibleDudes artist: Therese Fitzpatrick. Using a pencil and paper, she created and drew about 2,000 figures for this site.
Thanks, Bart. I did indeed draw the BibleDudes characters. My husband Mike owes me big time for this.
So that's basically giving credit where credit is due. We hope you enjoy the BibleDudes web site and get the chance to learn a bit more about the Bible and biblical studies. Thanks!