Injustice Case

by David Hammons (1970)



Additional social and political expressions for the year 1969



Music to take you Back in Time

political event:

The invasion of Cambodia in 1970 brought new militance to campus rebellions. In the spring of 1970 students killed when gunfire erupted on the campuses of Kent State in Ohio and Jackson State in Mississippi



social events:

On October 15, 1969, Vietnam Moratorium Day, over 200,000 protesters marched in Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C. A second moratorium in November brought 250,000 protesters parading to the Washington Monument. 10,000 demonstraters were tear-gassed near the Justice Department




Les Blancs (1970) by the late Lorraine Hansberry presented on Broadway




"Target Practice" (1970) Elizabeth Catlett




Cotton Comes to Harlem (1970). Directed by Ossie Davis. Costarring Raymond St. Jacques and Godfrey Cambridge as two African American detectives. Tapping the previously untested African American market, the film grossed more than $9 million, paving the way for at least fifty "black" movies to flood the market between 1970 and 1971.


Garth Fagan, Walter Nicks



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