SPIG Minutes for Friday, April 2nd, 2004

10-11 AM

Attendants: Dr. Elizabeth Barron, Deborah Bordelon, Bart Everson, Michelle Falgoust, Lanny Foss, Susan Fredine, David Lanoue, and Todd Stanislav.

The minutes of the 3-19-04 meeting were reviewed, amended, and approved.

Each group member gave a description of the key ideas, themes, and concepts that should describe the Center's program.

From Susan Fredine:

From David Lanoue:

From Deborah Bordelon

From Bart Everson

From Lanny Foss:

From Todd:

Todd mentioned tensions or unresolved questions that he has concerning:

  1. the prominence of our commitment to making public the work of faculty relative to ensuring that the Center is a place where faculty can feel safe to experiment, fail, seek help, etc.
  2. If the Center focuses on teaching, research, and service, would it (a) step outside of its "domain" of teaching, and (b) encroach on the "domain" of other units such as the Service Learning Program, the Center for Undergraduate Research, etc.?

From Dr. Elizabeth Barron:

Dr. Bordelon responded to Lanny's question about changes in K-12 teaching. She believes there is a shift toward more individualized approaches to teaching and learning (e.g., more consideration of multiple intelligence theories) and providing teachers with multiple approaches or strategies to teaching in the classroom.

Susan noted, in response to Lanny's suggestion that the Center be a catalyst for change, that it would be important to understand the reason for the needed change.

The group agreed to continue its discussion of the key ideas, themes, and concepts before beginning to write the description of the Center's program. Lanny suggested that we try to prioritize the list that was generated at today's meeting.

— Minutes respectfully submitted by Michelle Falgoust,
Administrative Assistant in the Center for the Advancement of Teaching

See also: SPIG