SPIG Minutes for Monday, May 24th, 2004

Conference Call
11:30-12 AM

Participants: Deborah Bordelon, Bart Everson, Michelle B. Falgoust, Lanny Foss, Susan Fredine, David Lanoue, and Todd Stanislav.

Consultants: Jane Miller and Jack Rossman

Introduction of the SPIG members and consultants commenced. Each group member gave a brief description of their role in relation to the group.

Using the Pre-Conference Call Memo of 21 May 2004 as an agenda item, the SPIG members and consultants discussed goals, printed materials, timetable, and specific questions. Again, both agreed to have all materials and information sent to them electronically. Each wishes to have a physical copy of the University catalog. The consultants would like to have all the materials at least two weeks before the site visit.

Jane and Jack inquired about the impetus for the strategic planning effort. A few of the SPIG members addressed this question.

The consultants asked us to begin thinking about, if we hadn't already done so, what purpose the strategic planning would serve. They asked, "What's the prize at the end?"

Todd briefly described the two-fold nature of their work, as concerns the strategic plan. We would like the consultants to provide us with a road map for strategic planning based on their own expertise and experience. We would also like them to critically review the road map that we have formulated for the strategic planning process.

When asked if they would like to read early drafts of the Center's mission-programs-values document, they said that this was our decision.

Arrangements were tentatively made for Jane and Jack to visit Xavier on July 8. They stated that they would like to meet the President and Chief Academic Officer. Todd will contact Drs. Francis and Labat about meeting with Jane and Jack.

When asked if they would like to read grant reports, Jane and Jack indicated that they would, especially if they're reasonably short reports.

When asked if they would like to collect data of their own, they indicated that they did not wish to, at least at this point in time.

— Minutes respectfully submitted by Michelle Falgoust,
Administrative Assistant in the Center for the Advancement of Teaching

See also: SPIG