SPIG Minutes for Wednesday, April 27th, 2005

10:20-11:10 AM

Attendants: Bart Everson and Todd Stanislav

The minutes of the 4-20-05 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Bart and Todd made minor revisions to goals 10-14. They then focused specifically on the timeline to determine the feasibility of implementing the tasks according to the timeline. A few changes were made to the timeline for Goal 1, objective 1.

Bart suggested that a paragraph that serves as an introduction or overview be added to the Implementation and Assessment Plans document. Todd will write a draft of such a paragraph for the committee's review.

The committee will continue reviewing the timeline, beginning at August 1, 2005, at the next meeting that is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2005, at 10 AM in the CAT conference room.

— Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Stanislav

See also: SPIG