You're viewing an archive of CAT+FD projects from 1997-2018.
Another FaCTS Mellon Project
Writers in Exile/Translingual Authors
by Dr. Biljana D. Obradovic
I would like to introduce into English composition and Literature ENG 1020 a focus on Transnationalism as expressed by writers living in exile as Steven Kellman who says that, "Translingual authors — those who write in more than one language or in a language other than their primary one — are the prodigies of world literature." (ix). In discussing "the national deficit in knowledge of foreign languages and cultures and about the need for international or global studies, should we be concerned about a translation deficit and advocate for more translation as a means of fostering transcultural awareness?" asks the
President of the MLA (Porter).
Kellman and Porter show the need to focus on translation engaging students in an awareness of different languages. In this class we would look at authors whose work would best represent this theme in literature. This is a core class and so Freshmen students will be exposed to this perspective from the start, so that they may decide to go abroad for a semester (if not more) later on in their college careers and learn another language as well in a globally conscious university. They would also be more directly involved in this class, making in-class presentations.
URL: /initiatives/facts/2009/Obradovic.pdf
Start date: Monday, May 11, 2009
Finish date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010