You're viewing an archive of CAT+FD projects from 1997-2018.

Another FaCTS Mellon Project

Global Citizenship

by Shana Heinricy

I will adapt the Fundamentals of Public speaking Honors class (SPCM 1011H) to focus on the theme of "Global Citizenship." The course will include some readings specifically about public speaking, but will focus much more substantively on the topic of global citizenship. Students will design and implement their own "good global citizen" project, which involves the students understanding various aspects of global citizenship and then devising a particular project to help enact their understanding of a good global citizen. Projects are expected to be diverse and varied, including things such as staging protests, volunteering, and creating new projects in the community (such as creating a clothing drive for new immigrants). The students will conduct research in order to implement their project and will give speeches about their project. The course will culminate in a presentation of their projects at the annual Festival of Scholars. The goals of this project include: improving students' awareness of global citizenship issues, improving students' awareness of global issues, improving students' ability to problem-solve, encouraging good citizenship behaviors in students, improving students commitment to social justice, improving students' ability to communicate via public speaking, improving organization and research skills.

URL: /initiatives/facts/2009/Heinricy.pdf

Start date: Monday, May 11, 2009
Finish date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010