You're viewing an archive of CAT+FD projects from 1997-2018.

Another FaCTS Mellon Project

The US Health Care System: A Global Perspective on Problems and Solutions

by Dr. Drew Chastain

The multi-step project — to be implemented in at least one section of Health Ethics in the Fall 2009 semester — is divided into three steps. Students will (i) perceive a real moral problem; (ii) consider a variety of practical solutions; and (iii) present their experiences, research, and conclusions to a body of students and faculty external to the course. Step (ii) is key to raising global awareness. More specifically:

(i) Students will be made aware of health disparities by seeing first hand the effects of environmental injustice when they visit local sites under the guidance of the Louisiana Bucket Brigade.

(ii) Students will be guided in research of a variety of health care systems around the world, comparing and contrasting systems alternative to the US system. Students will be asked to evaluate the health care systems from various ethical theoretical perspectives and consider what it would take for the US to adopt a system that is morally sound.

(iii) Students will be required to present the results of their experiences and research, or else participate, in an Across the Curriculum (ACT) Student Symposium at the end of the fall semester.

URL: /initiatives/facts/2009/Chastain.pdf

Start date: Monday, May 11, 2009
Finish date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010