You're viewing an archive of CAT+FD projects from 1997-2018.

Another FaCTS Mellon Project

Redesigning MGMT 4010S: Creating a Cause of Social Responsibility and Social Justice

by Dr. Cary A. Caro

The goal of this project is to enhance MGMT 4010S to include a service-learning component that exposes participating students to exploring social problems and leading a group of their peers to resolve or address the problem. Currently, MGMT 4010S is offered as a read, discuss, reflect course with a heavy emphasis on self-reflection. This project would allow changes to the course that actively engages students in defining and enhancing their leadership qualities and documenting their work through a course portfolio. The added project fulfills the mission of the Division of Business to educate socially responsible business leaders.

MGMT 4010S Group

Spring 2014: Students enrolled in Dr. Caro's Leadership Seminar course recently completed their Senior Leadership Projects by participating in community outreach programs in the Greater New Orleans Area. The students amassed over 400 hours of service as part of the project requirements.

Start date: Monday, May 14, 2012
Finish date: Wednesday, May 8, 2013