You're viewing an archive of CAT+FD projects from 1997-2018.

Another FaCTS Mellon Project


Dr. Mark A. Gstohl

by Dr. Mark A. Gstohl

This project will restructure the existing course THEO 1100, The Christian Faith, into an online course. The course introduces the Christian Theological Tradition by presenting the historical, cultural and social contexts for past and contemporary Christian Faith. The project has two main objectives: 1. Promoting student engagement with the subject matter as well as with fellow students through collaborative learning. 2. Assessment of student learning. This will be achieved by focusing on three areas. Firs, the course will be structured to meet the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric focusing particularly on General Standard. 3. Assessment and Measurement and General Standard 5: Learner Engagement and Inetraction. Second, the course will incorporate specific activities for each of the Four Phases of Engagement (Conrad and Donaldson, 2011). Third, the instructor will develop and implement an assessment plan using techniques outlined in Palloff and Pratt's Assessment and Evaluation Toolkit.

Start date: Thursday, May 2, 2013
Finish date: Tuesday, May 13, 2014