You're viewing an archive of CAT+FD projects from 1997-2018.

Another FaCTS Mellon Project


by Dr. Diane Bordenave

The proposed project will restructure CDFS 323 Adolescent and Adult Development from a campus based course into a hybrid format to maximize learning and teaching opportunities in the Child Development and Family Studies (CDFS) Program at Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO). The Bachelor of Arts in Child Development and Family Studies is a new and fast growing degree option that will benefit from innovative ideas to increase student learning outcomes, program satisfaction, and retention and graduate rates while simultaneously addressing the unique scheduling and course delivery needs of its busy, non-traditional studen tbody. The hybrid course will integrate social media into the delivery of instruction substituting for in-class time and motivating students to apply and discuss course content. All project requirements will be met in a timely fashion and outcomes shared to contribute to the professional development of the faculty member and her colleagues. The goal of this project aligns with the mission of Southern University at New Orleans, The College of Education's Conceptual Framework and The American Association of Family and consumer Science's (CDFS's accrediting organization) Body of Knowledge. A successful implementation of this project may serve as a model for other courses in the department and university.

Start date: Monday, May 13, 2013
Finish date: Monday, May 13, 2013