2003 Multipack RFP

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On October 8, 2002, the Center for the Advancment of Teaching issued a multipack of several RFPs for the spring, summer and fall of 2003. A printable version [PDF, 56 Kb] of the information packet is available, or follow the links below. Please note that we mailed a printed packet to all Xavier faculty the week of October 8, 2002.

Summary of funding opportunities

Initiative or project Brief description Start date(s) Proposal deadline
Course Portfolio Working Group A group project; work with other faculty members to document the intellectual work you do in teaching a particular course Fall 2003 January 17, 2003
Faculty Workshops An individual or group effort; lead or co-lead a workshop or brown bag discussion for Xavier faculty Fall 2003 January 17, 2003
Communities Initiative A group project; develop a teaching or research project with colleagues and students Summer or Fall 2003 January 17, 2003
Problem-Based Learning Community A group project; an interdisciplinary project with colleagues and students focused on problem-based learning Summer 2003 January 17, 2003
Technology Infusion Projects / Rich Media Projects An individual technology project Summer or Fall 2003 January 17, 2003
Technology-Enhanced Curriculum Initiative A group technology project; revise or develop new courses or curricula that make substantial use of technology Spring 2003 November 13, 2002