Technology Infusion Projects

About the Initiative

This initiative is intended to support both entry-level and more complex projects. Even if you have never used technology in your teaching before, you are welcome to apply. The Center will work with you to help you learn the necessary skills to use the technology you need for your proposal.

Funded faculty are required to attend a monthly luncheon to share their progress and discuss emerging issues. During the summer, the luncheons will be more frequent because of the compressed schedule.

Note that funding for successive phases is contingent upon successful completion of the previous phase and subject to review by members of the Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable. Funded faculty will submit progress and final reports that will be posted on the Center's website.

Proposal Guidelines

Indicate whether you are requesting a stipend or release time. Include a signed statement of approval from your department chair if you are seeking release time.

Each proposal should include the following components:


Project Evaluation

Support Requested

Note: Groups of faculty who wish to work together should contact the Center for special consideration.

Please submit five copies of the project proposal to the Center (P.O. Box 73A) by January 17, 2003. Please send a copy of the proposal to your department chair. Also, please send a digital version of the proposal to the Center at

Members of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable will review applications on a competitive basis. The review is not a blind review. Applicants will be notified of the results in mid-February 2003.

If you have any questions, contact Gayna Stevens-Credle at ext. 7512 or send an e-mail.

Deadline: January 17, 2003
Applicants will receive notification of the results in mid-February, 2003.
A part of the October 2002 RFP Multipack.