Technology-Enhanced Curriculum Initiative
About the Initiative
This initiative is funded by a grant from the United Negro College Fund, Inc. and will support the development (or revision) of curricula that incorporate technology. The goal of this initiative is to improve the curriculum and hence, student learning, by integrating information technologies in appropriate and effective ways.
To this end, the initiative will promote the formation of small (3-5 member) faculty teams, each with a designated team leader. The faculty teams may be disciplinary or interdisciplinary. Teams will proceed through four distinct phases, beginning in Spring 2004:
- Phase I - Planning (Spring 2004): Faculty will collaborate in (a) identifying specific teaching and student learning goals or experiences that are associated with the new or revised curriculum; (b) identifying the specific technologies that will be used to reach these goals; and (c) planning their curriculum development project, including the work during the summer.
- Phase II - Training and Production (Summer 2004): During the summer, the faculty will (a) receive training necessary for the successful development and implementation of the planned curriculum; and (b) produce the new or revised curriculum, including means to determine the extent to which the project teaching and student learning goals or experiences have been reached.
- Phase III - Curriculum Implementation and Assessment (Fall 2004): The new or revised curriculum will be used in the classroom and data will be collected to measure the extent to which the teaching and student learning goals or experiences have been reached.
- Phase IV - Reflection (Spring 2005): The results of Phase IV will be examined and a final report will be prepared.
The Center will serve in an advisory capacity during all phases, meeting with the teams and team leaders regularly, to ensure that the project is on track.
Each member of a team will receive:
- Semester stipend of $400
- Summer stipend of $2,000
- Assistance from Center staff in all phases of the project.
Each team will have a hardware and software budget.
Proposal Guidelines
Teams of faculty members should submit 3 copies of a proposal to the Center (P.O. Box 78) by November 10, 2003. Also, please send a digital version of the proposal to the Center at In the proposal, you should:
- Describe the current status of the curriculum and how the curriculum will be different as a result of this project. Describe the teaching and learning problems, challenges, or opportunities will the technology help address? Describe the curriculum development project in general terms.
- List the course or courses that are involved and when they are taught. List the names of faculty members who are involved in the team.
- Describe the technology that will be developed or incorporated into the course(s).
Members of the Center's Faculty Advisory Group will review applications on a competitive basis. The review is not a blind review. Applicants will be notified of the results in early December 2003. An excerpt from the letter may be used to announce awardees and to describe their projects.
If you have any questions, contact Gayna Stevens-Credle at ext. 5070 or send an e-mail.
Deadline: November 10, 2003
Applicants will receive notification of the results in early December 2003.
A part of the October 2003 RFP Multipack.