Technology-Enhanced Curriculum Initiative
About the Initiative
This initiative is funded by a grant from the United Negro College Fund, Inc. and will support the development or revision of curricula that incorporate technology. The goal of this initiative is to improve the curriculum and hence, student learning, by integrating information technologies in appropriate and effective ways.
Two rounds of Requests For Proposals have been issued in the past. The Initiative's final round of requests for proposals will target the development of curricular plans and materials for use in hybrid (one-half of the course is online and one-half in the classroom) and online courses (entire course online, with the possible exception of one or two face-to-face class meetings). The Initiative will consist of two phases:
- Phase I - Planning and Development (Fall 2004 or Spring 2005): Faculty will (a) participate in a workshop; (b) identify specific teaching and student learning goals and experiences that are associated with the new or revised curriculum; (c) develop an assessment plan; and (d) create and develop the course website via, for example, Blackboard.
- Phase II - Implementation and Assessment (Spring 2004 or Summer 2005): The hybrid or online course will be taught and data will be collected to measure the extent to which the teaching and student learning goals have been reached.
The Center will serve in an advisory capacity during all phases, meeting with participants regularly, to ensure that the project is on track. Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes, the Library's Educational Technology Support/Distance Learning Specialist, will also assist in this project.
- Stipend of $400 per semester (or summer)
- Computer hardware and software, if warranted
- Assistance from Center staff and Dr. Rhodes in all phases of the project.
Proposal Guidelines
Interested faculty members should submit 3 copies of a proposal to the Center (P.O. Box 78) by September 7, 2004. Also, please send a digital version of the proposal to the Center at In the proposal, you should:
- Describe the hybrid or online course. When will the course be offered? As a typical face-to-face course, how frequently is it offered? How many students typically enroll? Are multiple sections typically offered?
- Include a letter from your Department Chair and/or College Dean stating that the course is approved and will be offered in the spring or summer 2005.
Include a letter from your Department Chair and/or College Dean stating that the course is approved and will be offered in the spring or summer 2005.
If you have any questions, contact Gayna Stevens-Credle at ext. 5070 or send an e-mail.
Deadline: September 7, 2004
Applicants will receive notification of the results in mid-September 2004.
A part of the August 2004 RFP Multipack.