Faculty Workshops Initiative

About the Initiative

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching invites proposals from faculty to lead workshops and brown bag discussions for all Xavier faculty members during the 2006-2007 academic year. The Center will provide logistical support (e.g., create and distribute flyers, reserve rooms, photocopy materials) and award a modest honorarium.

We invite proposals on a broad range of topics, such as research, service, collegiality and, especially, teaching and learning. Proposals from groups of faculty are welcome.

In addition, we invite proposals for the following areas:


Format Examples Options (day of the week, length) General structure
Workshop Problem-Based Learning

Tools and Techniques for Improving Student Writing
Saturday: half-day (9-noon) Saturday: full-day (9-3) Weekday: one day, 1-3 hours Weekday: multi-day, 2-6 hours More formal than a brown bag discussion. Typically includes time devoted to specific and different topics or tasks; interactive; may involve small group work; usually involves follow-up activity
Brown bag discussion What Time Is It? Biological and Tenure Clocks

The Day After Exam I
Weekday: 50-75 minutes More informal than a workshop; conversational
Innovations in Teaching Service Learning and Social Change

Molecular Genetics and Student Learning
Weekday: 50 minutes Informal; two presenters, each having 20 minutes to describe a particular teaching or learning problem, a solution or strategy to address the problem, and its impact; 10 minutes for discussion

Proposal Guidelines

Please submit 5 copies of a one- or two-page proposal that includes information about the following:

Please send your proposal to the Center for the Advancement of Teaching, P.O. Box 73A or cat@xula.edu.

Members of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and CAT's Advisory Group will review proposals on a competitive basis. The review is not a blind review.

If you have any questions, contact contact David Lanoue at ext. 7477 or send an e-mail.

Deadline: July 21, 2006
Applicants will receive notification of the results in early August 2006.
A part of the July 2006 RFP Multipack.