CAT Policy for Special Requests

In addition to the funding opportunities associated with its various published initiatives, the Center for the Advancement of Teaching accepts special requests from faculty to support their travel, project ideas, and/or to purchase equipment, software, resources, and other supplies. Inasmuch as possible, requests should be submitted before any expenses have been incurred.

Special requests should be submitted in writing using the following format:

  1. Clearly identify what is needed, and when
  2. Explain how it is related to faculty work, i.e., teaching, research, service.
  3. Estimate the amount of support needed; attach documentation.
  4. Indicate what amount of support, if any, that you are expecting from other sources, e.g., department, ITC, grant.

Requests which indicate support from other sources are given priority.

Purchases made with CAT funds are the property of the University.

CAT faculty and staff will review special requests at the first staff meeting of each month.

Please submit your request to CAT via e-mail, mail or fax. (Contact Information)

Policy drafted June 2004.