Needs Assessments
In the fall of 2023, the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Faculty Development (CAT+FD) surveyed and interviewed faculty and students on what they saw as the most pressing needs for instructors at Xavier in the immediate future, in the context of CAT+FD's mission.
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Read the report: Needs Assessment Report (2024) [PDF]
In the spring of 2013, the Center for the Advancement of Teaching administered a needs assessment survey to faculty members at Xavier University. 110 responses were received, approximately 47% of fulltime faculty. The survey offered us an opportunity to gauge faculty members' interest in a range of topics, as well as to find the best days and times for workshops, and to measure overall satisfaction with CAT's efforts. Since similar surveys were administered in 2002 and 1999, the new data offered an opportunity to determine what, if any, changes may have occurred over the years. We are pleased to share these results.
The following documents are available:
Needs Assessment 2013 Report (all data) [PDF]
Key points: "Teaching methods" was by far the most popular topic, followed by "scholarship of teaching and learning" and "assessment of teaching and student learning." (These were the only topics to score over 50%.) Tuesday at noon is by far the best time for workshops, followed by Thursday at noon and Friday at noon. (Note well: no time slot scored above 50%, meaning that any workshop time will be considered undesirable for a majority of faculty.)
Comparison to data from previous surveys [PDF]
Note that "teaching methods" has remained the most popular topic for over a decade. Also, not to boast, but we are particularly proud of CAT's approval rating, which has increased steadily since our first survey to reach 94%.