Impact of High Stakes Testing
In General
- Faulty logic to assume that Bush's plan will solve problems of student failure
- At best it is a distraction from what should be the focus of education - you don't feed a starving cow by weighing it
- Kohn (200) suggests that standardized tests best measure the size of the test-takers home.
On Educational Reform
- There is some documentation to suggest that they knew it wouldn't work
- Questions of reliability, validity, curriculum alignment, and all of the biases (cultural, historical, gender, educational and psychometric biases.
- For poor and minority kids, it is the gatekeeper to more education and an invitation to exit school early.
- It is a disaster for Bilingual Educators
On Schooling
- When schools close, it marks the beginning of the deterioration of community
- Emphasis on Linguistic and Mathematical measures ignores more authentic assessments and the other forms of intelligences that we all possess (Gardner, 1983)
- University of California System decides to drop the SAT as an admission criteria, because it encourages students to prepare for college in the wrong way
On Parents
- Complex Issue
- For unsophisticated parents who probably were not well schooled themselves, it offers no hope
- For sophisticated parents, it skews their already not so great perceptions of what is a good teacher knowledge base
On Teachers
- CEO Prep Test
On Students
- Encourages the notion that there is some hidden information or trick to taking the test
- Reinforces notion of "cache knowledge" instead of critical thinking
Elizabeth Moore Rhodes - May 29th, 2002