CAT -- Notes from Meeting with Lusher: 16 August 2000
Lusher Alternative Elementary School
Feedback from teachers concerning their interests for the Lusher website, 16 August 2000
--from the teachers at the Extension
- Organize the site by teams > departments > individual teachers
- Post expectations of their students
- Provide general news about the school
- Post the school's philosophy for integrating arts into the curriculum
- Gradebooks
- Teacher outlines
- Maps and directions to athletic events
- Assignments, due dates
- A calendar for the school, a teacher, a grade
- Post instructions for student projects
- Give famous quotes by artists
- Provide health facts
- Information about arts events in and around New Orleans
- Resources for parents on raising teens
- Resources for teenagers on being a teenager, growing up, etc.
- Have a conferencing system such as WebBoard
- Post students' work
- Images
- Virtual tours of places of interest
- Provide a means of communication with parents
- Have an address book with addresses of teachers, administrators, students, and parents
- Put the card catalog online
- Post a recommended summer reading list with reviews (such as done at
- Post the entire curriculum
- Post the Lusher letter
--from the teachers at the Willow campus
- Provide resources for international families
- Post lesson plans
- A scrolling "URGENT NEWS" line
- School calendar
- Class or teacher calendars
- Provide a means for communicating with parents
- Use a virtual bulletin board for posting important messages
- Provide resources for parents on parenting skills, helping your kids succeed in school, etc.
- Provide a recommended summer curriculum
- Have a gallery
- Send notices to parents
- Post homework and assignments
- Provide a map that depicts that cultural diversity of Lusher
- Project plans and deadlines
- Resources that would help parents contact each other
- Post the card catalog online
- Post a supply wish list that would help parents know what's needed and when
--we briefly discussed "what we don't want the website to become"
- A source of excessive e-mail (we noted that it may be important to establish policies about response time, etc.)
- A way to avoid face-to-face communication with parents and students
- Outdated
- Unmanageable