
CAT+FD currently has two separate email newsletters and a podcast to which you may subscribe. They're all awesome, and you should totally sign up for all three. But that's up to you.

Coming Up

You don't have to revisit our calendar every day to keep abreast of CAT+FD workshops. Use this form to sign up for regular email notifications of workshops and other faculty development opportunitities.


You don't have to revisit our award-winning blog every day to look for new content. You can subscribe to our blog via e-mail using the form below. (For advanced users, here's a direct link to our feed.) You can also subscribe directly to our podcast (details below).

Teaching, Learning, and Everything Else

Teaching, Learning, and Everything Else is our podcast. Since 2008, we have been sharing conversations with innovative educators across the country and around the world. Each episode consists of a conversation with a teacher in higher education.

To access and subscribe to the podcast, you can use any of the bright shiny buttons below.

Listen on Apple Podcasts

You can also browse the complete archive on our website.

Note: Podcast syndication feed handled by Podlove.