These documents preserve some of the history of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Faculty Development.
- Past events — includes over a thousand CAT+FD events from November 1999 to July 2021
- Past grants — indexes previous grants that have supported the work of CAT+FD
- Past initiatives — includes twelve initiatives from the founding of the Center in 1994 to 2018
- Past projects — includes 296 completed projects sponsored by CAT+FD between 1997 and 2018; see also early hypertext and multimedia projects
- Past reports — includes reports on faculty scholarship, internal reviews, annual reports, and various research projects; see also CAT+FD's strategic planning efforts, past mission statements, and the work of the Mission, Values and Programming Review Committee
- Past tutorials — pages in support of How the Web Works (2000-2006) as well as several workshops from 2001