Where are we going? Part III
Issues Related to Teaching with Technology at Xavier

Should we encourage faculty to use BlackBoard, a Web-based course management system?

  • Led by: Dr. V. J. DuRapau, Jr. (Mathematics Department)
  • Date: Thursday, March 21, 2002
  • Time: 2:45 - 4:00 PM
  • Location: Library Room 501
  • Sponsor: Center for the Advancement of Teaching

Note: For questions about the workshop topic, contact the moderator, V. J. "Tony" DuRapau, Jr. (phone x7666 or x7461, e-mail vdurapau@xula.edu, or campus mail Box 109C).

To register: Please e-mail cat@xula.edu or call Arriana at ext. #7512.

Tags: technology, discussion, Blackboard
Format: discussion
Event ID: 00058

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