Saving Dollars and Making Sense
Scalability in Developing Distance Courseware, A Teleconference

Do individual colleges and universities really need 15, or 30, or more different versions of online courses in history, or English, or government "101," each created by a different faculty member? A more effective, efficient model is to use a team of academic personnel -- faculty, instructional designers, and I.T. professionals -- to design a single, customizable course to be taught by many faculty, in multiple sections, over numerous semesters. Faculty frequently balk at this notion, believing it to be an infringement on academic freedom. But, many faculty often teach from textbooks and other instructional materials they did not create themselves. By extension, a customizable curriculum created by someone else can also be adapted successfully. This professional development seminar will demonstrate ways to customize "third party" courseware and the advantages of achieving economies of scales: time and labor efficiency, cost-effectiveness, enhancement of the quality of course elements and design, and improvement of student learning and retention.

Tags: distance education, remote
Format: uncategorized
Event ID: 00351

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