CAT Social Hour
refreshments and conversation about teaching
The CAT social hour is a time to take advantage of Xavier's rich ''human resources'': our master-teachers, our excited innovators, and all of our devoted faculty. Bring your questions about teaching, your experiences, your frustrations, and your strategies--the backfires and the triumphs--and come mingle with your colleagues from across campus. This opportunity to converse across departments will offer new perspectives and fresh ideas about our craft; we can relax at the same time. The event is casual, so please drop in!
Refreshments of various kinds will be served.
- Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2007
- Time: 3:30 - 5:00 PM
- Location: 501 Library
- Sponsor: CAT
Note: CAT staff meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. and is open to all Xavier faculty. Please feel free to join us!
Tags: social hour
Format: social hour
Event ID: 00873