Encouraging Academic Integrity in Pharmacy Students
But, If Necessary, Detecting and Dealing With Academic Dishonesty

As teachers, one of our ethical responsibilities is to communicate, facilitate, and uphold standards of academic integrity in our classes. All too often, we assume that students enter our classes understanding what is, or is not, academic dishonesty, whether it be what constitutes cheating or plagiarism. These assumptions may be incorrect, especially as students struggle with adapting what they learned in an English class to the unique content of a specific discipline.

In this presentation, Dr. Hill will address proactive behaviors that you should include in your classes to help students understand and avoid academic dishonesty. Further, he will consider strategies for addressing academic dishonesty that you can apply in your class.

  • Led by: Dr. G. William Hill (Kennesaw State University)
  • Date: Friday, January 14, 2011
  • Time: Noon - 1:30 PM
  • Location: Pharmacy 115
  • Sponsor: Center for the Advancement of Teaching

Note: Lunch will be served.

Tags: academic integrity, outside speaker
Format: presentation
Event ID: 01109

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