Cultivating a Reflective Classroom
Incorporating Contemplative Pedagogy in Your Courses

Opening the contemplative mind in schools is not a religious issue but a practical epistemic question... Inviting contemplative study simply includes the natural human capacity for knowing through silence, pondering deeply, beholding, witnessing the contents of consciousness and so forth.

~ Tobin Hart (2004). Opening the Contemplative Mind in the Classroom, Journal of Transformative Education, 2.

In recent semesters, CAT has explored the issue of contemplative pedagogy. In this presentation, Mr. Bart Everson will introduce you to the idea of contemplative pedagogy and integrative learning. Dr. Elizabeth Yost Hammer will describe how she has integrated various contemplative practices into her Advanced Research class in psychology and share student responses to these techniques. Finally, participants will discuss the utility of such techniques in their own courses and disciplines.

To find out more about this subject you may wish to listen to our interview with Arthur Zajonc for some background information (see link below).

  • Led by: Dr. Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT/Psychology); Mr. Bart Everson (CAT)
  • Date: Monday, November 7, 2011
  • Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
  • Location: Mellon Seminar Room (Library 532B)
  • Sponsor: CAT
  • More info:

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Tags: contemplative, pedagogy
Format: presentation
Event ID: 01141

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