Walk & Talk

It's generally a good idea to get outside and exercise. We know this. We know it's good for mind and body. But it can be strangely difficult to actually take a break and get away from the office.

Therefore, the Center for the Advancement of Teaching is offering you an excuse to get outside and take a walk.

We will meet in front of Xavier South (street entrance, not parking lot) at 3:30pm for a 40 minute walk on the Jeff Davis Parkway path.

The walk will also provide an opportunity to share teaching ideas and talk about teaching issues. You can bring a teaching question with you, or we will provide topics for discussion as we walk.

The forecast looks beautiful. Please join us.

  • Led by: Bart Everson
  • Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2012
  • Time: 3:30 - 4:10 PM
  • Location: Meet in front of Xavier South (street entrance)

Note: This is inspired by a similar event sponsored by Wake Forest University's Teaching and Learning Center. Special thanks to Catherine Ross.

Tags: work-life balance
Format: uncategorized
Event ID: 01165

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