Advising student majors (and non majors too) is a big responsibility for faculty. It demands that we understand our advisees, build rapport with them, have their best interests at heart, and that they trust our advice. On top of that, we must be intimately familiar with all course requirements and policies. To that end, it is always nice to have a refresher of our own on these issues!

Please join us as we present just such a session. Dr. Tiera Coston (CAT) will briefly present some of the best practices in academic advising that have emerged from the scholarship of teaching and learning literature. And, Dr. Kim Vaz (Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences) will address some frequently asked questions about the core and various policies from her perspective in the Dean's Office. We will allow ample time to for your specific advising questions and concerns to be addressed.

  • Led by: Dr. Tiera Coston (CAT) and Dr. Kim Vaz (Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences)
  • Date: Thursday, April 24, 2014
  • Time: 12:15 - 1:05 PM
  • Location: Mellon Seminar Room, Library Rm 532B
  • Sponsor: CAT, A&S Dean's Office, VPAA's Office

Note: Important to RSVP for lunch count.

To register: RSVP to

Tags: VPAA, CAT, Arts & Sciences
Format: presentation
Event ID: 01271

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