Science Education Research Group (SERG)
Special Topic: Stereotype Threats

Science Education Research Group (SERG) meetings are informal, multidisciplinary open forums for discussion of pedagogical issues. In the bi-weekly meetings, faculty can bring questions, concerns or suggestions related to teaching and learning to a forum for discussion (and possibly resolution) with other faculty.

At this meeting, Dr. Elliott Hammer will be discussing what psychology has to say about the subtle and insidious ways that our perceptions can influence the relationships between mentors and mentees.

  • Led by: Dr. Tiera S. Coston (CAT+FD); Dr. Elliott Hammer (Psychology)
  • Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015
  • Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
  • Location: Mellon Seminar Room, LRC 532B
  • Sponsor: BUILD, CAT+FD

Note: Please note the change of location for this meeting only.

Format: discussion
Event ID: 01404

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