Active Learning in the Classroom and Laboratory

What do we know about how people learn? What should be the learning outcomes for an undergraduate education? Are lectures and recipe-driven laboratory experiments effective at achieving the learning outcomes we desire in our students? Aspects of these questions and evidence for the value of active learning strategies that engage students will be discussed. Using examples from his introductory and advanced courses, advice on how to prepare active learning exercises and effectively use them in the classroom and laboratory will be presented.

  • Led by: Dr. Thomas Wenzel (Bates College)
  • Date: Thursday, March 9, 2017
  • Time: 4:00 - 5:00 PM
  • Location: Mellon Seminar Room - LRC 532B
  • Sponsor: CAT+, BUILD

To register: Please register at

Tags: active learning, STEM
Format: presentation
Event ID: 01537

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