CCE - Writing to Learn Saturday Workshop

Writing to Learn (WTL) is one aspect of the Writing Across the Curriculum that is particularly well suited for entry-level classes. Although WTL can be an effective pedagogy in any course, it is particularly well suited for the new XCOR 1000 and XCOR 1010 classes.

According to the editors of Language Connections: Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, "Writing to communicate — or [...] 'transactional writing' — means writing to accomplish something, to inform, instruct, or persuade…. Writing to learn is different. We write to ourselves as well as talk with others to objectify our perceptions of reality; the primary function of this 'expressive' language is not to communicate, but to order and represent experience to our own understanding. In this sense language provides us with a unique way of knowing and becomes a tool for discovering, for shaping meaning, and for reaching understanding."

WTL can include, but is in no way limited to, activities such as reading journals, article summaries, response papers, and learning reflections. WTL activities are effective methods to help students assess their own learning and to help faculty evaluate the extent of that learning.

During this half-day workshop, Xavier faculty will increase their understanding and utilization of WTL techniques. Participants will read and discuss scholarship, practice common writing assignments, and practice assessing writing assignments in order to enhance entry-level core courses with this writing intensive component.

  • The workshop will take place Saturday, October 21, 2017, in the Mellon Seminar Room (LRC 532B) from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  • Lunch will be provided.
  • The workshop will be limited to 9 faculty members.
  • Each participant will be compensated $250 following completion of the workshop.

If you are interested if finding ways of incorporating WTL into your teaching, email the following to by Friday, September 30, 2017.

  1. Completed and signed Proposal Cover Sheet (see the More Info link below).
  2. Description of a core course in which a WTL model will be employed. Your proposal can be for a new course or an existing one that can benefit from adaptation. (250 words)
  3. Justification for the incorporation of this new pedagogical approach and specific anticipated course improvements. (250 words)
  4. Description of personal, pedagogical, and or research related motivation for this endeavor and of your commitment to disseminating your experience and expertise with other members of the Xavier faculty. (250 words)

Note: Use the More Info link above to download the CFP, including the required Proposal Cover Sheet.

Tags: CCE, WAC, WTL, writing
Format: hands-on
Event ID: 01642

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