Nurturing Critical Thinkers in a Clickbait World
The Role of Metacognition

To fulfill our mission, we need to nurture our students to become critical thinkers who can navigate their way through click bait, twitter trolls, and fake news. Metacognitive skills can help.

Now, perhaps more than ever, we need to nurture critical thinkers who can navigate their way through click bait, twitter trolls, and fake news. Metacognitive skills such as being aware of oneself as a problem solver, monitoring one’s mental processing, and accurately judging one’s level of learning, are vital for such critical thinking. We will discuss ways to infuse metacognition into the your course by using in-class activities and transparent assignments.

  • Led by: Dr. Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT+FD/PSYC)
  • Date: Monday, March 19, 2018
  • Time: 4:00 - 5:00 PM
  • Location: Mellon Seminar Room - LRC 532B
  • Sponsor: CAT+FD

Tags: metacognition
Format: presentation
Event ID: 01692

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