Self-Affirmation as a Tool to Enhance Teaching and Mentoring

Stereotype threat has been demonstrated to negatively impact the academic performance, motivation and sense of belonging of members of certain minority groups (African American, Latinx, Women, etc.). A number of studies have examined the power of self-affirmation to combat this negative effect. In this workshop, we will discuss this low-cost, but high-impact intervention to address the issue of stereotype threat in both teaching and mentoring.
- Led by: Dr. Tiera Coston (CAT+FD)
- Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2019
- Time: Noon - 12:50 PM
- Location: Mellon Seminar Room - LRC 534B
- Sponsor: BUILD; CAT+FD
Tags: mentoring, practice of mentoring, NRMN
Format: presentation
Event ID: 01828