Effective Mixed Mode Teaching (8/13)

Vector image of a woodcut of the mythical Chimera

Although many faculty had never heard the term until this summer, the HyFlex model of teaching was first developed by Brian Beatty at San Francisco State University in the early 2000s.

During the Fall 2020 semester, Xavier is offering some courses using what we are calling a Mixed Mode of teaching, which differs from Beatty's model mainly in that students must decide at the beginning of the semester if they will attend all of the class meetings in person or online. However, the class experience will be the same for students, regardless of how they "enter" the classroom. The reality is that, while currently only certain classes have been designated as Mixed Mode, many of us might need to utilize the model, whether we asked for it or not, if students start exhibiting symptoms and they (or we) need to stay home. As a result, these workshops will be useful even if you don’t have an official MM designation.

Planning such a course requires a great degree of flexibility (hence the name) and planning. Participants in this workshop will learn some of the better practices that can make such a method possible and ensure a successful semester.

To register for this workshop, please use the button below. You will receive an email with the link for the Zoom session. Please contact us if you have any problems.

  • Led by: Dr. Elizabeth Yost Hammer (CAT+FD; PSYC); Dr. Jason S. Todd (CAT+FD; ENGL)
  • Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020
  • Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
  • Location: 98112403197

Tags: remote, mixed mode, hyflex
Format: presentation
Event ID: 02028

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